Nova College

Sharing knowledge and experience has always been crucial for the Novaday team. Nova College provides a space to share our colleagues’ expertise with enthusiasts and job seekers. Nova College offers a variety of programs, including Internships, educational workshops, company and production line tours, and special gatherings for programmers, designers, and more. Additionally, Novaday members, alongside the technical team, will actively contribute to open-source projects on the company’s GitHub page.

Why Choose Nova College?

Real, Up-to-Date, and Challenging Projects

Collaborating with Expert Technical Professionals

Structured Learning and Advancement

Access to Company Facilities and Participation in Public Sessions

What Do You Need to Get Started?

For each job position, there are specific requirements outlined in detail on the available website. Carefully review the course requirements and submit your application accordingly. Our team will get in touch with you within a few days. If your skills are scattered and decentralized, you can also submit your request and consult with our team to chart a career roadmap.

To get started, you can send your resume to

Soft-Skill and Personal Branding

Not everything is about programming. Not everything is about clean code. Not everything is about architecture. We spend one-third of our day at the company. There are numerous soft skills and unspoken rules that it’s better to practice before taking on any responsibility. Additionally, skills such as professional resume writing, professional LinkedIn profiles, and personal branding are among the topics covered at Nova College. At Nova College, we recognize the importance of developing soft skills alongside technical skills. We understand that effective communication, teamwork, time management, adaptability, and other interpersonal skills play a crucial role in professional success. Our courses and programs are designed to enhance these skills and provide a comprehensive learning experience that goes beyond technical expertise

Our story doesn’t end here…

Even after the completion of your internship or workshops, our connection will not be severed. One of the main goals of Nova College is to identify and attract talented individuals, so we hope you receive a Welcome pack and see you every morning! 🙂

However, in general, our focus is on creating a strong community through regular events and gatherings.